SmartClean™ Scraper Systems by Patz

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"We should have bought our Patz Vertical Mixer years ago."

That's a phrase that comes up a lot in Patz Vertical Mixer testimonials. Farmers across the country and around the world are getting a great return on their investment.

Here are more comments from Patz customers:

"The Patz mixer delivers a better, more consistent ration in a shorter time than our old mixer."
- 100 cow dairy farm using a Model 400 Stationary Vertical Mixer

"Buying a Patz Vertical Mixer was a great investment. We saw better herd health and a 10 pound per cow increase in milk production."
- 130 cow dairy farm using a 420 cu. ft. Model 1100 Vertical Mixer

"We've increased milk production from 67 pounds to 87 pounds and have noticed an improvement in herd health."
- 600 cow dairy farm using a 620 cu. ft. Model 800 Twin Screw Vertical Mixer

"After seeing all the benefits of having our Patz, we would have bought sooner. We are seeing better herd health, better butterfat, and less DAs."
- 150 cow dairy farm using a 420 cu. ft. Model 1100 Vertical Mixer

"It mixes fast, unloads fast, and everything is cleaned out when we're done. We can feed 640 cows in about 2 hours - we should have bought the Patz Vertical Mixer 5 years ago!"
- 640 cow dairy farm using a 620 cu. ft. Model 800 Twin Screw Vertical Mixer

"Refusal is less than 1% with the Patz. We clean up the feed bunks every second day."
- 900 and 1500 cow operation using two Model 2400 Twin Screw Vertical Mixers

More and more farmers are seeing for themselves how it pays
to buy a
Patz Vertical Mixer.

What are you waiting for?

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