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Thursday, February 12, 2009

How can dairy producers best position their business in tough economic times?

Keeping a positive attitude and staying focused on efficient management practices will help you stay profitable in a down market. Bill Earley, Dairy Business Manager, ADM Alliance Nutrition, Inc., offers suggestions to prepare for the unstable road ahead in the current issue of Progressive Dairyman.

  • Take a close look at your current operation and note what you are doing right as well as where you need to make improvements.

  • Seek input from your employees on ways to save costs and become more efficient in daily practices.

  • Work closely with your nutritionist, veterinarian, agronomist, and financial experts to plan a course of action for removing profit leaks. Are you feeding a cost efficient ration to your cows while still providing the essential nutrition to maintain their good health? Are your herd health practices providing maximum preventative care at the least possible cost? Have you developed crop plan strategies that are sustainable for your operation?

Take time to evaluate your operation, improve efficiency, and surround yourself with forward thinking advisors, and you will be on track to maintain profitability in spite of the current economic conditions. Read the full article from Progressive Dairyman by clicking on the source link below.

Source: “Keeping positive and focused in this year’s down market” article by Bill Earley. Progressive Dairyman Issue 3, February 10, 2009.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With the recession and economic crisis piling up dairy farmers are having a real bad time. Those tips you have mentioned in this post were really apt and useful. Thanks for posting.

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