SmartClean™ Scraper Systems by Patz

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Country-Aire Farms, LLC Saves Big with Big Patz Mixer!

Country-Aire Farms, LLC, in Greenleaf, WI, purchased the first Model 3600 Triple Screw Vertical Mixer produced by Patz this summer. Host farm for the 2008 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, Country-Aire Farms, LLC is operated by brothers Mike and Tom Gerritts and their families.

Their last major expansion in 2007 brought their cow numbers to 2,100. As their herd size increased, so did the time required to feed the cows. Country-Aire Farms, LLC, realized they would need to purchase another vertical mixer. Since they were already familiar with the proven performance of Patz Vertical Mixers, they set their sites on the largest Patz mixer yet - the Patz Model 3600 Triple Screw Vertical Mixer.

The results have been exactly what they were looking for – reduction in feeding time, while still achieving the superior mix quality they were accustomed to getting from their previous Patz mixers. They have achieved a savings of 2½ hours daily with the Model 3600. At today’s cost of diesel fuel, run time on the equipment, and labor, Mike figures they are saving roughly $3,000 every month!

“Time is money and the increased productivity we can get with this mixer directly benefits our bottom line,” says Mike.

Photo above shows Mike Gerritts (far right) with his son Matthew (center) and Kevin Laabs who handles feeding at Country-Aire Farms, LLC.

If you want to mix more feed faster, ask your local Patz Dealer about the Patz Model 3600 Vertical Mixer with mixing capacities of 1,400 to 1,580 cubic feet!

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