SmartClean™ Scraper Systems by Patz

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A better mix in less time!

Everyone looks for ways to save time and labor without skimping on quality. Canisteo, New York, dairy farmers Jerry VanWie and Cliff Moss found a way to do just that.

They invested in a 180 cubic foot Patz Model 400 Stationary Vertical Mixer to feed their combined head of 100 dairy cows.

"The Patz mixer delivers a better, more consistent ration in a shorter time than our old mixer," says Cliff.

Jerry and Cliff appreciate that their Patz Vertical Mixer is made in the USA and has fewer moving parts for less maintenance. They also enjoy great service from their local Patz Dealer Brian Wellman of Wellman Service, LLC in Pavilion, NY. (Pictured above from left to right are Brian, Cliff and Jerry.)
To read more about Cliff and Jerry's operation, click here.

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